Friday 5 December 2014

Natural Ways To Fight Ebola

Vitamin C : Absorbent C
Research from the late Dr Robert Cathcart, MD, who had extensive experience treating deadly infections with high dose vitamin C, asserted that the Ebola virus could be “neutralized by massive doses of sodium ascorbate intravenously.”

According to Cathcart, symptoms produced by the virus are nearly identical to acute scurvy, a disease that produces bleeding all over the body when levels of vitamin C become depleted.

“All of these diseases ultimately kill mostly by free radicals so it does not make any difference as to which disease it is…

Since these species (Man, higher monkeys, Guinea pigs and some bats) do not make vitamin C, it is easier for these diseases, by making massive amounts of free radicals which destroy vitamin C, to induce acute systemic scurvy and its resulting high fever, hemorrhaging, etc”
Coupled with its antiviral properties, regular use of vitamin C can boost the immune system to better prepare the body for harmful pathogens.

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