Friday 5 December 2014

Herbs to treat inflammation: The most powerful natural medicines that really work

Aloe not only reduces inflammation but also eases pain and promotes skin repair and healing. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the anti-inflammatory effects of aloe gel are superior to 1 percent hydrocortisone cream.

Fields of greens : cayenne paper
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin. Exposure to capsaicin causes body tissues to release substance P, which your body usually releases immediately after tissue damage. Capsaicin does not actually damage tissue -- this chemical only tricks your body into acting as if damage had occurred.

Repeated exposure of one part of your body to capsaicin will deplete that area of its substance P, which increases tolerance to capsaicin in people who regularly eat hot peppers.

Reducing substance P in one area of your body also decreases your sense of pain in that part. Capsaicin cream products take advantage of this effect to reduce arthritis pain in joints and other sources of chronic pain. Best of all, the capsaicin in cayenne pepper can help protect your stomach (3) from ulcers associated with NSAID use.


Pomestin contain flavonols, a type of antioxidant, which seem especially helpful in reducing inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. In that condition, inflammation contributes to the destruction of cartilage. Pomestim seems to block the production of an enzyme associated with cartilage destruction.

The next time you struggle with inflammation or the medical conditions caused by inflammation, try using an herbal remedy before resorting to dangerous drugs and chemicals. Herbs are highly effective in reducing inflammation and carry relatively low risks for complications.

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